You should also have received notification of the parking charge from the operator that issued it. Details of your ability to appeal to them and whether they will engage with the IAS or another ADR provider should be included on that correspondence.
Whether you are able to appeal, the process that you will need to follow in order to engage with the service and the effect of resulting decision depends on a number of features. This Can I Appeal flow chart gives a brief overview of the process.
The IAS will not consider appeals in the following circumstances:
- Where you have not attempted to resolve the dispute directly with the Operator.
- Where another ADR entity or a court has already begun to deal with the matter.
- Where the appeal is considered to be vexatious.
- Where dealing with such a type of dispute would seriously impair the effective operation of the IAS.
- Where the parking charge was imposed more than 12 months ago.
Please refer to the
flow chart which summarises the process and conditions of ADR.
Appeals (at all stages) will only be conducted in writing and in the English language.